Saturday, November 9, 2013

What is the best thing (needed) in life?

A friend once asked what seems to be a simple question wherein a kid can give over a hundred in just a couple of minutes, yet the complexity behind it was far more than I can imagine:

"What is the best thing (needed) in life?"

Simple isn't it? I bet you too can give more than 10 quick ones ^_^x.

I was laughing and making fun of some of the possible answers for some are silly and funny, while others are somewhat dumb and spot-on stupid. Some are even quoted lines from movies, song lyrics, and one-liners from famous people. Then I got stumped when I was supposed to confidently spill my take on the subject. I wanted to say something but the sound of my voice can't be heard. It was on the tip of my tongue, at the back of my head... but then i got numb. Did a lightning bolt just jolted me for a second i blinked? I was staring at Athena's face (my PC monitor) trying to inculcate the idea deep into my mind, beyond the point where reasoning and logic meet. 

But there i was, not having the answer at that very moment... not even sure if I do have it somewhere in the inner depths of my weary mind, past memories maybe or even present life experiences. My brain is trying to command my fingers to type the words, but they just laid still... frozen.
I slept that night feeling empty. With the emptiness swallowing my whole being, drowning me into eternal void. Staring at the ceiling, the walls mocking me with their standstill silence. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath... 

"Tomorrow" i said, there will be an answer.

Woke up tired and restless (as usual for the past 3 months), still managed to drag myself up for the morning prayers. Subhanallah the imam's iqra'a (recitation) of holy verses somewhat managed to sooth my weary soul. I wouldn't trade my place in a congregational prayer with any "happy" place in the known world. With that state of comfort I began to give thanks and praise... for the new day that I was being given chance to witness. And that day I knew I was ready to answer the "simple" question.

Athena greeted me with a happy "beep" when i pushed her power-on button. With in a couple of minutes, I laid my eyes into the familiar words on the screen. "What is the best thing (needed) in life?" My fingers danced across Athena's keys, with every "tick and tack" spells conviction and confidence.

Contentment..... and acceptance. If you have both, you've got nothing more to want.

A smile escaped from my dry and chapping lips.

It was true on both logical and moral sense. It is indeed not easy to have both, for one can't gain either outside the state of calmness and tranquility.... especially during difficult times.

The difference between having patience (sabr) during the struggles of life, and taking pleasure or having contentment (rida’) in them. 

By Allah’s Mercy, accepting what He decrees with patience for us is a route to salvation, but it is a higher degree for us to embrace and love that decree.
By another inspiring aspect of Allah’s guidance, the latter is initially harder but actually makes the path toward Him easier. Instead of religion just being a set of duties or things we have to put up with, it becomes an on-going source of wonder and contentment.

May Allah grant us the state of being contented with His Decree.

Ya Rabb! I am your slave, lighten the weight upon my chest and help me attain Rida' with ease by your Mercy. And to you shall be the return of all things.

Yes in this life there are things beyond our control.... beyond our mortal comprehension.... which has already been ordained to happen. Our grasp of understanding is the only thing standing between wisdom and knowledge, wherein the latter is merely a fact that we can relate to easily while the former has a deeper meaning that needs to be pondered and comprehended.

Acceptance.... contentment.... your Happiness, will be (Inshaallah) mine too. 

The best thing/s in life aren't the ones you already have but those that you've learned to accept of not having and being contented in the process.

Inshaallah at the end of the day (or before our life's journey ends) it will be granted as "boomerangs".

Fly now and lit up the night sky.... here standing watching from afar. And when the lights fade away, will always be there to light it up again.

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